“It was really not nice …”: Loana injured by Matthieu Delormeau in TPMP People

It is the greatest drama of his life. At 44, Loana still hasn’t found love. Invited on the set of TPMP People on April 16, 2022 against Matthieu Delormeau, the former candidate of loft story was asked about her love life and said she was happy on a scale of “7 out of 10“. So what are the three points that she lacks so much to be fully fulfilled? Love of course.

Without a filter, Matthieu Delormeau then tried to launch a sharp remark at the pretty blonde. Implying that Loana might be the problem if her love life wasn’t thriving, he asked her, “Do you know the sentence, which is not mean, which says that when you meet someone and say to yourself ‘He’s an asshole’, the second ‘he’s an asshole’ , the third, the same… Maybe at the tenth, can we say that the bad person is ourselves?

That’s really nice…

Shocked by the host’s words, Loana remained speechless, unable to answer. “That’s really nice…“, added a columnist, embarrassed. “No, but isn’t there a job to be done on you? You’re young, you’re pretty, how do you explain that you can’t find love?“, added Mathieu Delormeau who suddenly became aware of the very tense atmosphere on the set.Because I’m a bitch?“, replied Loana before Matthieu Delormeau joined her to comfort her.

But no, oh baby that’s not what I said!“added Matthieu Delormeau. “Oh no no that was really not nice. No no I must not have liked it there“, confided the friend of Eryl Prayer, who seemed to be on the verge of tears. “No, but it was an image of a shrink to say that sometimes you have to question yourself to say to yourself maybe there is something about me that makes it so that…“, tried to catch up Matthieu Delormeau. “Yes I attract shitty guys but that’s it“, Loana said apologetically.”Yes, but you understood that I was not dealing with a bitch. All the same ! I have known you for over twenty years..”, concluded Cyril Hanouna’s sidekick.

Sincere, Loana remembered, nostalgic, the only love story that made her really happy: “The last time had to be in 2003 with a real, sincere man who really loved me, she recalled. (…) I was happy and I left him, unfortunately. And since then it’s been my curse never to be in love again..” Let’s hope that the beautiful Loana finally finds the man who will make her truly happy…

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