“It was quite complicated”: Arnaud Delvenne (Top Chef) very thin and without filter on his operation

They are only ten in Top chef after the eliminations of Elliott Van de Velde, Renaud Ramamourty, Tania Cadeddu, Logan Depuydt, Elis Bond and Ambroise Voreux. And each candidate lives the adventure in his own way. Arnaud Delvenne, the only Belgian still in the race, thus encountered some difficulties. Indeed, he underwent a medical operation a few months before the shooting. With our colleagues from Entertainment TVhe tells.

A few years ago, Arnaud Delvenne experienced a tragedy, the death of his mother. Following the shock, the young chef accumulated the kilos until weighing 117 kilos. “I filled the gap with food“, he recalls. It was on vacation on the beautiful beaches of Martinique that he clicked. “When I took off my t-shirt, it was impossible. I saw in me the person that I was not insidehe confides. I had already started diets but I couldn’t.“On his return from his stay in the tropics, Arnaud Delvenne makes an appointment with his surgeon who initially refused to operate on him because of his profession.

Finally, three months later, the young dark-haired passes on the billiards. He underwent gastric bypass surgery to reduce the size of the stomach to reduce the amount of food ingested and its assimilation by the body. Food goes directly to the middle part of the small intestine. This operation makes him lose 50 kilos but requires strict monitoring, especially in terms of food. And Arnaud Delvenne joined the cast of Top chef just a few months later…”I had surgery at the end of April, the competition started in October. It hadn’t even been a year of bypass. I was still learning to eat again. It was quite complicated“, he indicates.

Difficulties he overcomes with a smile. Indeed, if he had to do it again, he would not have hesitated to take the plunge! “Today, I feel more in tune with myself. Since I had surgery, I discovered a new Arnaud. I always say Arnaud 2.0, but I only kept the positive. It shouldn’t only be for me“, he rejoices. Another big change in his daily life: Arnaud Delvenne now offers light cuisine, in his image!

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