“It was like a revelation”: Selma Blair recounts her first binge… at 7 years old!

There are a whole bunch of areas where it is not good to be precocious, alcoholism is one of them and it was poor Selma Blair who experienced it. While the 49-year-old actress is currently publishing her memoirs, she returned to this painful period of her life and in particular her first binge at 7!

I don’t know if I would have survived childhood without alcoholism“, declared without filter the mother of Arthur to People. “This is why so many people have a problem with alcohol. It’s such a huge comfort, a huge relief at first. Maybe even the first years for me because I started very young with it and it comforted me in many moments of adaptation.

Selma also remembered her discovery of alcohol, at an extremely young age. “The first time I got drunk was like a revelation. I have always loved the Easter period. And I was taking small sips of Manischewitz (a wine) and as I went along I felt myself filling with light and feeling the warmth of God. But the year I was 7 and no one was paying attention to my drinking, I realized that the feeling I was feeling was not God but the effects of alcohol. I thought ‘well that’s a huge disappointment, but if I can find the warmth of God in this bottle then I might as well help myself’. I got so drunk that night, they put me in my sister Katie’s bed. And in the morning, I couldn’t remember how I got there.

The actress then explained that she had regularly consumed alcohol in the years that followed without ever being drunk. Simply to find comfort in a few sips. It was not until her twenties that she fell violently into hard alcoholism. A period of descent into hell where the actress explains that she was raped during a spring break, so drunk that she was unable to tell her attacker to stop. A type of situation that she has faced several times. “I was raped many times because I was unable to say ‘please stop’“, explained Selma to our colleagues. Words that send shivers down your spine.

Now sober (for 6 years), Selma is now facing the disease of multiple sclerosis. A serious autoimmune disease that has changed the life of the actress. His book Mean Baby is the story of all his trials.

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