“It was like a replacement father”: revelations by Josiane Balasko about her hidden brother

The brilliant Josiane Balasko will star in the film Josephine rounds up this Thursday evening on TF1. One more feature film to put to her credit, she who will have revealed herself to the eyes of the general public thanks to the mythical troop of Splendid, before bursting the screen in The Bronzed and to be rewarded three times at the Césars, notably as best actress for her role in too beautiful for you.

But if her career is known to everyone, she has, on the other hand, kept a heavy family secret for a long time. Daughter of a Croatian father, Marilou Berry’s mother grew up in a modest environment between Paris and its suburbs. As a teenager, a tragedy will then hit her hard: the disappearance of her father, who died of lung cancer. A very painful situation to live for Rudy’s mother, who will then learn that she has a half-brother whose existence she did not suspect until now.

“A Substitute Father”

“I was very happy. I learned it when my father died, I was 14 years old. This brother was much older than me, but when the siblings grow, it’s rather comforting. In all families, there are secrets. At home, everyone knew about it, except the children” confided the 72-year-old actress in an interview for the magazine Our time.

While her half-brother remained in Yugoslavia, Josiane Balasko’s mother decided to bring him. He will then, quickly, take an important place in the life of the actress and companion of George Aguilar. “My mother decided to urgently call this son who remained there and whom everyone knew existed, except, of course, my brother and me. I was so happy to meet him, to know him! Much older than us, he was like a replacement father until his death a few years ago.she revealed in the columns of Paris Match in 2016.

A moving story, which ends rather well since she has obviously met a person who is now very dear to her heart!

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