“It was disgusting”: Julie Depardieu evokes a shock scene shot for Alexandra Ehle

Here we go again for a new investigation ofAlexandra Ehle. This Tuesday, February 22, Julie Depardieu puts on her doctor’s coat to try to solve a new murder in her own way. The 48-year-old actress has obviously prepared herself as it should to perfectly embody a member of the medical profession. Needless to say, she doesn’t really have a choice. In the pages of Entertainment TV, Julie Depardieu indicated that for this new new episode, she had to get her hands dirty. Or rather in the corpse of an animal to realize the “trephination of a calf“, i.e. a surgical gesture allowing to reach the brain of a living being by cutting out part of the skull. Enough to turn the most sensitive stomachs. If the teams made it easier for him by “pre-cut” the calf, Julie Depardieu had to pass another stage even less appetizing: “I also put my fingers in the animal’s socket to extract the eye. It was disgusting !“Yes, we want to believe it.

Apart from these actions that would make half of France turn a blind eye, Julie Depardieu must also get down to learning medical jargon that is sometimes complicated to remember. But the companion of Philippe Katerine has more ideas: she uses the fake dead used on her autopsy table to wedge cheat sheets and not forget her lines when the words are a little too technical: “I don’t see why I would learn super technical stuff since I have a dead man and we don’t often film him because he’s disgusting. It’s plastic, we film my beautiful face and I stare intensely at the body and look, I have a little cheat sheet that’s going to tell me that the left femoral artery… You see, that helps me!” she said on the set of C to you a few days ago.

Julie Depardieu knows that interpreting such a role requires rigor and a lot of application. It therefore has no room for error. Especially since in 2018, a real medical examiner had pointed out the inconsistencies of the series and the profession: “We never work on crime scenes in civilian clothestold the Parisian Karine Dabadie. We don’t say: ‘He died on such a day at such a time’, we give a range of three, six or nine hours. We also spend a lot of time writing our reports. Six or seven hours sometimes. We see a wacky medical examiner when, in the profession, we are completely normal people. It’s a job that requires you to be extremely structured and able to take some distance“. A bitter assessment after dissecting the series.

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