“It was disastrous”: end clap for Alexandra Pizzagali at Télématin after her controversial column

The sky has just fallen on his head. Alexandra Pizzagali, as revealed Var Morning, was ousted from France Televisions after his polemical remarks on the trial of the Nice attacks (which occurred on July 14, 2016) in his humorous column for Telematin on France 2. Words that had offended a good number of Internet users and viewers, thus forcing the group to apologize.

“The management of France Télévisions and the Télématin teams regret that a column with a humorous vocation has rightly offended many viewers. We offer our apologies and express our solidarity with the victims of the Nice attack and their loved ones.”. The columnist was also trying to catch up.

“An editorial choice”

“Okay, we had a good laugh, but everything is fine. First live, teleprompter problem, caught off guard, prostration, which caused the delay. And the commercials being scheduled to the minute, they were sent before I was able to finish my column. So I did it right after,” she wrote on Instagram after the incident, still hoping at that time to have a second chance: “Zero censorship, the Télématin teams at the top of benevolence. Strongly the second, and unless a project falls on my face next week, a priori it can only be better. Thank you for the support, you are brothers”.

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