“It was better with her”: Laurent Ruquier, his surprising statement to Léa Salamé despite the break

Laurent Ruquier decided, at the beginning of June, to leave the France 2 broadcast We are live which he presented alongside Léa Salamé. He had thus explained that this co-animation was precisely the cause of his departure. A rumor was therefore born from this statement, according to which the host of France Télévisions would be cold with his partner. The companion of Hugo Manos, with whom he saw a waking dream, had then made things clear in the columns of the Parisianexplaining that he has no problem with Léa Salamé.

He hasn’t changed his mind since, quite the contrary. Asked by Anne-Elisabeth Lemoine in C to you, this Wednesday, June 22, on his departure from the show, he confirmed that he was in no way directly linked to a story of tension with the journalist. And that if he hadn’t liked the co-hosting, Léa Salamé was the best person with whom he could try the exercise: “I even think it was better with than with anyone else” he confessed, acknowledging that he had a “agreement” and an “common complicity” with her.

“I will miss you”

Laurent Ruquier, recently criticized by Matthieu Delormeau, then maintained that it was the exercise of co-hosting as such that posed a problem. “The exercise of the talk show, I consider that as difficult to do with two. We can do it with columnists but we must be able to master it alone, in terms of timing, and especially live” he explained candidly. Moreover, the host of Big heads revealed that he had no difficulty in making this choice. “My decision was made in December” he said, while he waited for the end of the season before officially leaving the show. He also added that he was “unhappy in this exercise“, and that therefore, he was not going to stay.

No tension therefore with Léa Salamé, or almost. “Only for production reasons” he admitted, always for the Parisian. “Regarding our compatibility, there was never a shadow of a doubt.” he had added in stride, in order to reassure everyone. On the side of Léa Salamé, no tension on the horizon either. Moreover, she did not hesitate to pay him a nice tribute for his last show on June 4th. “I will miss you” she had notably declared to her colleague. Anyway, this duo is now separated, but Laurent Ruquier does not leave France Télévisions. He will indeed be present to present the flagship program of France 2, “Les Children of TV” at the start of the school year.

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