The president of the commission of inquiry into TNT frequencies is under fire for having criticized the presenter of “Quotidien” on Cyril Hanouna’s show on C8. He explains it on franceinfo.
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“It was a mistake and I regret it,” declared Thursday April 4 on franceinfo the Renaissance deputy Quentin Bataillon, president of the commission of inquiry into TNT frequencies, after his remarks regarding Yann Barthès made on Cyril Hanouna’s show on Tuesday.
The elected representative of the presidential majority is under fire from criticism after going on the set of “Touche pas à mon poste!” (TPMP) on C8, during which he criticized the presenter of DailyYann Barthès, finding that he had had “quite an arrogant attitude” during his hearing by the commission of inquiry. The two presenters were interviewed by Quentin Bataillon and his commission, whose work should only be completed at the beginning of May.
“It wasn’t my role”
“Many of us MPs found a form of casualness” of the TMC presenter and “I actually issued a criticism, an assessment of the auditionee”he admits. “Was it a good idea to do it on the set of their main competitors? No”slices Quentin Bataillon, who “assume” however his coming to “TPMP”. “I think it was complicated to do it there” in this show “because indeed, we can clearly see that there is a very strong conflict between the two shows, that it is not my role to do so there”he continues. “There is a form of misunderstanding which has grown over time, which has been used in a conflict between two channels, two shows to which I do not belong and which does not concern me”he says.
However, according to him, his position as president of the commission devoted to the allocation of DTT frequencies “is not in question”. “Do I really have lessons in impartiality given what we experienced during the hearings to receive from the rapporteur? (…) I don’t think so”, annoys the elected representative of the Loire. On Wednesday, the Insoumis Aurélien Saintoul, rapporteur of the commission, scratched his president, for whom this “disparagement maneuver constitutes a fault”. “The report is not me who will write it, but the rapporteur, I have no influence on that”he emphasizes.
“I’m not anti-anyone and for no one, I can’t refuse certain trays.”
Quentin Bataillon, Renaissance deputyat franceinfo
The meaning of his arrival in the flagship C8 show is to make “act of pedagogy”he adds. “I have done my job, I do it correctly as president of the commission of inquiry and today, I am engaged in educational work”he affirms, ensuring that he wanted to respond positively to each invitation on television sets to “explain the role of this commission of inquiry”. “I accept my presence on set”, he adds. The 30-year-old MP assures that he contacted the TF1 group to send them “cordial feelings, explanations”. Quentin Bataillon assures him, he will go “with great pleasure” on the set of Quotidien. “I have a lot of respect for this show and I will be careful in my future comments”, he concludes. Following the broadcast, Anne Hidalgo, mayor of Paris, called for his resignation on Wednesday “without delay”.
Watch this interview on video: