“It upset me…”: Vianney shocked, his car vandalized while baby sleeps in the back…

The week is off to a flying start for the 31-year-old singer. On Monday March 21, 2022, Vianney actually explained that he had just been the victim of a funny misadventure. While his vehicle was parked on a Parisian sidewalk and he was chatting with friends, a man slipped into his car to steal the contents. The problem is that the artist’s son was installed in the back and was sleeping peacefully in his seat.

Famous step-dad, and father of a 5-month-old little boy, the fruit of his love affair with Catherine Robert, Vianney Bureau had a pretty fright when he realized what had happened. “And of course the baby is finehe said on social networks. I kept an eye on his door, but obviously this gentleman entered from the other side of the vehicle, discreetly…“More fear than harm, for the father as well as the son, since the thug ended up confessing his crime and returning everything he had been able to recover.

It must have been a few days that he had to struggle in the street

There was a man glued to the car, who was a little strange it’s true, not very clean on him. It must have been a few days that he had to struggle in the streetexplained Vianney. I ask him if everything is fine, he does not answer me too much. And he actually comes up to me and says, ‘Brother, I’m sorry. I actually stole everything in your car. Here, I give you everything. But it was open, I’m sorry I beg your pardon’. And so he gave me back everything that was in my car...”

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