“It tires everyone”, when the method of the executive begins to annoy the presidential majority

The government keeps the secret around the method that will be chosen to reform pensions. In Emmanuel Macron’s troops, we get annoyed.

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A pension reform, but when? And how ? So far, the executive keeps the secret around the eternal and famous reform, still promised during the last presidential campaign by Emmanuel Macron. To clear this oh so slippery ground, the Head of State will bring together the ministers concerned by the file but also the leaders of the parliamentary groups of his majority, Wednesday, September 28 for a dinner at the Elysée, in the company of Elisabeth Borne.

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But this long wait is beginning to arouse annoyance in the majority, among Emmanuel Macron’s troops. “It tires everyone, we are a bit of a false token”, trivially laments a member of the majority. Another did not imagine having to wait so long before knowing the method of the executive to carry out this pension reform.

Behind closed doors at the Council of Ministers on Monday September 26, Emmanuel Macron confirmed that he would decide “by the weekend” whether the reform would be included in the social security budget through an amendment or whether it would rather be the subject of a specific bill at the beginning of 2023. “Macron cannot say ‘I have changed’ and finally take care of everything and decide nothing”, annoyed a parliamentarian, who regrets not knowing what to expect.

In the meantime, the meetings are linked, before the dinner planned at the Elysee Palace on Wednesday evening to perhaps finally settle the question. “The president puts the lid on the boiling water”, sums up an elected official, who sees behind these procrastination the mark of a lack of direction.

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