“It stressed me all my life, until the day I decided to shave my head”



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Suffering from alopecia in plaques, Camila became a model. Today, she wants to highlight her difference, which has changed her life. Testimony.

Model, Camila Solórzano suffers from alopecia in patches, causing hair loss. “I was very unhappy to lose my hair, my mother had gone to see the teachers to explain the situation to them, to tell them that it was nothing serious and that I was not sick, to avoid the mockery of my comrades, because children can be very cruel“, says Camila, who confides that she suffered a lot from this problem during her adolescence. “My happiness depended on the amount of hair on my head and I realized that my happiness depended on something I couldn’t control“, she confides.

Camila finally decided to completely shave her head. At that time, she asked a friend to take several photos. “I put them on Instagram, and… three days later the director of a modeling agency contacted me and said: “Would you be interested in being a model?” And me: “Yes, I want to try“”, says Camila. By becoming a model, the young woman has found a way to express herself as freely as possible. “Many people want to look like someone else but the more you emphasize your differences, the more beautiful you will be.“, she believes.

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