“It should not be a controversial topic” for presidential candidates

“When we talk about autism or disability in election campaigns, it’s because there is a controversy”, deplores Saturday April 2 on franceinfo the president of SOS Autisme France. Olivia Cattan calls for real proposals from presidential candidates as Emmanuel Macron’s autism plan has been “a disaster”. According to her, more “raising awareness at the national level” and “better school inclusion”.

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franceinfo: In your opinion, people with disabilities, in particular people with autism, are the big forgotten in the presidential campaign?

Olivia Cattan: When we talk about autism or disability in election campaigns, it’s because there’s a controversy, like this year with Éric Zemmour (note, against “the obsession with inclusion”) or in 2017 with François Fillon (note, “I’m not autistic”). This year, it is a theme that has not been approached with proposals in most of the debates. However, disability affects 12 million people in France, including 700,000 people with autism.

The autism plan, one of the priority causes of Emmanuel Macron’s five-year term, has it made it possible to change things?

No, not much. There had been an announcement effect and hope generated in associations and among parents but, unfortunately, the application of this plan was not well managed by the minister. Things contrary to the announcements of the plan have been done.

“Instead of creating new positions for school assistants, who accompany our children to school, the aid has been pooled to save money.”

Olivia Cattan, President of SOS Autisme France

at franceinfo

It was a disaster.

What do you ask of the candidates for the presidential election?

Already, let it not be a controversial theme that we come up with from time to time. It must be part of all the themes because it is cross-cutting: it is employment, education, but also places to live for all our children. There needs to be a lot of awareness raising at the national level. There is also a need for early diagnosis, centers where children are stimulated with particular educational and behavioral methods. Finally, there needs to be better school inclusion with teachers and school assistants specifically trained in autism. Autistic people have abilities that must be used, it’s a real wealth.

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