“It revealed strengths in me”: Julia Minkowski, the companion of Benjamin Griveaux, cash on the scandal

At 41, Julia Minkowski takes the plunge. She now uses her sense of words outside the courthouse to put them down on paper with a first novel; She had previously published The lawyer was a woman written with the help of journalist Lisa Vignoli. And, if she has always loved reading thanks to a teaching mother, it took her years to take up the pen. The vagaries of life have offered her a maturity accelerator that she readily recognizes.

Asked by Gala for the release of his book Beyond expectation (JC Lattès, available since August 24), Julia Minkowski spoke about the journey that led her to write her book. “I admire the young people who are starting out. You have to have a certain maturity to put yourself in danger because you always slip a little bit of yourself into your characters“, she says. And when the magazine asks her if the Benjamin Griveaux affair, named after her companion, was a test offering her a little more maturity and hindsight, she answers: “It may have worked, I don’t know. In any case, it revealed strengths in me. And then to see him hold on like this [il a cependant décidé de retirer sa candidature à la mairie de Paris après ses échanges avec une autre femme, ndlr]without sinking into depression or wavering, reassured me that I could count on him no matter what and gave me even more strength.

Despite the scandal and the humiliation, Julia Minkowski has made this ordeal a strength and her ties with her companion have even been reunited over time. Moreover, since he left politics, their family life has changed. Monsieur notably took over with their three children so that Madame could have more time to write. “Just return of things“, does not fail to say. Less taken up by work, Benjamin Griveaux was able to listen to the fears of his companion and reassure her during her writing process. And, bonus, he had the chance to read before everyone the first four chapters of his book now available to all readers.

GalaAugust 25, 2022 edition.

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