“It rekindled the flame”

When you’re a hockey man, few things should be more exhilarating than being in team headquarters, where the most important decisions are made. Officially employed by the Canadiens for six weeks, that’s what Vincent Lecavalier had the chance to experience this weekend.

“It reignited the flame, launched the one who retired from player in 2016, after a career of 17 seasons in the NHL. It was my first day there. I learned a lot. It was a great experience. »

“Six months ago I never thought I would be here and have these kinds of discussions with Kent (Hughes). Watching players and evaluating them makes you want to be part of something and help. In addition, doing it with the Canadiens and friends is really fun, ”said the special adviser to hockey operations for the Canadiens.

The discussions that Lecavalier mentions are those that Hughes, Jeff Gorton, Martin Lapointe, Nick Bobrov and he held during the 24 hours preceding the deadline. Those that led to the transactions of Arturri Lehkonen, Brett Kulak and Andrew Hammond.

“In the end, the people who make the decisions are Jeff and Kent, but everyone has their opinion. If you have something to say about a situation, you say it, said the 41-year-old Quebecer. This is what makes good (management) teams. Kent is surrounded by trusted men. It helps to make good decisions. »

Involved in the hiring of St-Louis

This is not the first time that Hughes has asked the opinion of the man he has represented throughout his career.

While Lecavalier spoke to reporters, his former agent listened intently a few feet from the stage. He took the opportunity to reveal an interesting conversation he had with Lecavalier before hiring St-Louis.

“The first long conversation I had with Vincent was about Martin. I asked him if I was crazy to believe he was capable of doing this job. »

The response was not long in coming.

“He told me that he was convinced that Martin had more potential than any name on my list. »

Moreover, this weekend in the region also allowed Lecavalier to reconnect with St. Louis, his great accomplice from the time of the Tampa Bay Lightning.

“It’s always nice to see him,” he said.

“I’m not surprised at his success. He’s a brilliant coach, a guy who knows hockey. But what encourages his players to adhere to his concepts, what makes them 100% involved, is his human side. It’s fun having a coach you can talk to. Too often in a career, you meet coaches with whom you have no idea where you are on the team. »

A common goal

A few hours earlier, St-Louis had also had good words for the one who was his trio companion under the Florida sun.

“Vincent is very smart. He doesn’t go into a room to talk nonstop. He listens a lot and that’s why he will learn very quickly. He has a passion for hockey. So if you put it all together, it’s going to make a really good hockey guy to help the Canadiens. »

After joining forces to help the Lightning win the Stanley Cup in 2004, the two men will try to achieve the same goal under the tricolor colors.

“It’s fun to meet again. It’s no longer on the ice, but we still have a similar goal: to build a winning team and culture. »

Yesterday, the first steps towards this goal were taken.

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