“It is your first name which is an insult to France”: Eric Zemmour VS Hapsatou Sy, unpublished images unveiled

The show Further investigation broadcasts the rest of the exchange, filmed behind the scenes by someone close to Hapsatou Sy, and cut during editing at the request of C8’s legal department – a measure that Thierry Ardisson fully recognized. “You will hear what I have to say to you. Never have I heard something so hurtful. Because for me who loves my France, who loves this country whether you like it or not, what you have just said is not an insult to me, it is an insult to France. It’s extremely hurtful“, proclaims Hapsatou Sy.

Eric Zemmour answers him: “It is your first name which is an insult to France. France is not a virgin land, it is a land with a history.“In his latest book, France has not said its last word, whose promotion is his alibi to follow the trips to France at the time of the presidential election, he returned to this affair and the choice of the first name, spontaneous but perfect according to him: “Corinne, it was a first name of the popular classes in my childhood, the first name of hairdressers, or secretaries.

After the show, she explained with the presenter Thierry Ardisson who qualifies the horrible words of Eric Zemmour but assumes to have invited him, an animated conversation filmed in hidden camera. It was the beginning of settling scores with the host, the C8 channel and the Canal + group that she left this year. Hapsatou Sy claims to be the victim of attacks and verbal threats since the Zemmour episode. She has indeed filed a complaint against him for racist insults and the trial will take place in September 2022. The former sniper ofWe are not in bed did not wish to respond to the journalists of Additional investigatione.

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