“It is urgent, we absolutely must find a solution,” says Green senator Mélanie Vogel.

The senator says she is “a little anxious” about the divisions that have been gripping the left-wing coalition for several days now.


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Mélanie Vogel, Green senator, during a speech during the European election campaign, in Brussels, May 3, 2024. (OLIVIER MATTHYS / EPA)

“It is urgent, we absolutely must find a solution”launched Tuesday July 16 on franceinfo Mélanie Vogel, ecologist senator for the French abroad, while the New Popular Front is tearing itself apart over a name to propose to occupy the post of Prime Minister. The senator says she “a little anxious” in the face of the divisions that have been gripping the left-wing coalition for several days now. She believes that the New Popular Front has “a political obligation to find a solution, not only between [ses formations politiques]but in relation to the millions” of voters.

Mélanie Vogel would like to point out that the “consensus” does not mean “not unanimous” and that there will therefore inevitably be points of disagreement. She therefore invites the different parties not to “look for reviews” systematically on possible future proposals, but rather to ask whether they have “a huge problem to block all decisions because of this”.

The senator believes that we “will never find anyone where there is not a single criticism to be made.” “We are not looking for someone who pleases everyone in the same way, but someone where no one blocks his nomination”she says.

After the rejection of Huguette Bello’s candidacy by the PS, the name of diplomat Laurence Tubiana was proposed by the socialists, the ecologists and the communists, but some rebels accuse her of being compatible with Emmanuel Macron’s policy. Mélanie Vogel insists on the fact that Laurence Tubiana “has always refused the positions offered by Emmanuel Macron.”

She therefore sees it as a kind of “one-way compatibility”. Faced with these various blockages, the environmentalist senator calls for “to escape from the grip of each party, otherwise we will never get out of it”. “We persist in wanting to find a solution that maintains the unity of the New Popular Front”, she insists.

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