“It is urgent that we are in this capacity to adapt”, underlines the vice-president of the Assembly of the departments of France

After a meeting in Matignon between local elected officials and Jean Castex around the spread of the Omicron variant, Florence Dabin, vice-president of the Assembly of French departments, believes that the strengthening of health measures can only be done with the “perfect knowledge of the players in the field”.

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Prime Minister Jean Castex presented this Tuesday to local elected officials his plan to strengthen health measures to limit contamination with the Covid-19 variant Omicron and Florence Dabin, president (DVD) of the Maine et Loire department and vice-president of the Assembly of the departments of France estimates on franceinfo that it “It is urgent that we be in this capacity to adapt“facing the virus with the departments of France which are”local communities with a perfect knowledge of the players in the field“.

It was an extremely interesting meeting because it took place from the perspective of sharing: sharing of experiences and mastery of our respective territories“, explained the elected.”It allowed us freely to share our concerns but above all to rely on what makes our strength, in this case the departments of France which are local communities with a perfect knowledge of the players in the field and the expertise of professionals. health. It is a collective fight. Since the start of the pandemic, the departments have been able to be responsive in order to provide concrete and pragmatic responses within the framework of this vaccination process.

After the green light given on Monday, December 20 by the High Authority of Health to the vaccination of 5-11 year olds, with priority given to college students, Florence Dabin agreed with the government. “It is urgent to speed up this reflection, it is urgent that we be in this capacity to adapt. I have been a school teacher for 20 years. I know the way we work and we live in these schools. . ”

“I am very favorable to this vaccination schedule for the youngest so that they can protect themselves, prevent serious forms of this variant and avoid class closures because we know how confusing it is for the youngest. “

Florence Dabin, vice-president of ADP

to franceinfo

In the department, it is 60,000 vaccinations per week. We are going to speed up the effectiveness of vaccination, in particular in conjunction with the mayors to have even more volunteers and permanent staff and to have new reception areas to speed up this vaccination system.“, explained the president of the Maine et Loire department.

Finally, concerning the application of the vaccination pass in business, Florence Dabin affirms that the Prime Minister is “in the process of reflecting on and refining the system by consulting all the actors“.”There is real consultation with the experts“, underlines the vice-president of the Assembly of the departments of France.

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