“It is up to the colonial state to react” by withdrawing “its bill and sending a dialogue mission”, believes LFI deputy Bastien Lachaud

“Calm will be restored,” the Minister of the Interior promised on Thursday as New Caledonia experienced a third consecutive night of riots.


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Bastien Lachaud, La France insoumise deputy for Seine-Saint-Denis, January 30, 2019. (FRANCEINFO / RADIO FRANCE)

“It’s up to the colonial state to react” removing “his bill” And “send a dialogue mission” in New Caledonia, estimated Thursday May 16 on franceinfo Bastien Lachaud, La France insoumise deputy for Seine-Saint-Denis.

The adoption by the National Assembly of the constitutional revision project which provides for the expansion of the electorate in provincial elections led to riots in New Caledonia. The separatists see this reform as a way to reduce the influence of the autonomous Kanak people who represent 41% of the population of the archipelago.

“The government is setting fire to a colonial situation. The government must change its method. The government has decided unilaterally to thaw the electorate. Everyone told it: ‘There is a risk of conflagration. ‘”

Bastien Lachaud, LFI deputy for Seine-Saint-Denis

at franceinfo

Emmanuel Macron, who had called on the two parties to speak to each other on Thursday, was forced to cancel a videoconference given the few candidates for “dialogue with each other”. According to Bastien Lachaud, “we will not force the separatists to negotiate under the pressure of either the timetable or the threat of the electorate thawing”he continued.

The LFI deputy says that “everyone agrees on the question of the thaw, the separatists agree”, but within the framework of “a global political agreement”. Bastien Lachaud recalled the spirit of the Nouméa agreements of 1998 which provided for the transfer of certain skills to New Caledonia: “Once the three referendums have taken place, the parties must meet to negotiate the continuation. As long as these parties have not agreed on a new political agreement for New Caledonia, it is the Nouméa agreements which apply. And in the Nouméa agreements, there is freezing. So thawing means calling into question the word of the State.” The “no” vote won by 96.5% during the third referendum of 2021 but the abstention was massive.

For the Kanaks, the colonial history of New Caledonia “is traumatic” SO “Touching this without making a global political agreement was obviously setting fire to the powderbelieves Bastien Lachaud. “The government is totally responsible for the situation”, he says. Several voices are calling for the appointment of a mediator. The names of former Prime Ministers are circulating: “Why not Lionel Jospin, why not Edouard Philippe. Today there are plenty of people who are involved in this issue, who could work on it”declares Bastien Lachaud.

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