“It is to bring the population towards always more vaccination”, defends Julien Borowczyk, deputy LREM

Regarding the vaccination of children this will be done “on a voluntary basis with the parents’ opinion, specifies the president of the information mission on crisis management of Covid-19.

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Set up a vaccination pass, “it is to ensure to bring the population towards always more vaccination”, defended, Saturday, December 18, on franceinfo, Julien Borowczyk, LREM deputy of the Loire and president of the information mission of the National Assembly on the management of the Covid-19 crisis. A doctor by profession, he reacted to the announcement by Jean Castex of the end of the health pass.

The transformation of the health pass into a vaccination pass is also, says Julien Borowczyk,protect people who do not want to be vaccinated. “ Regarding the vaccination of children this will be done “on a voluntary basis” with the opinion of the parents, specifies the deputy. On the other hand, the deputy of the majority is not in favor of a compulsory vaccination for all workers because it would risk “cause recruitment problems. It is a very delicate subject that poses questions to me. ” Olivier Véran announced on Friday that the third dose would be mandatory for caregivers from January 30.

With the cancellation of the end of year festivities, “we always have the impression that the government is the enemy, but the public enemy is the virus”, said Julien Borowczy. “It is necessary as much as possible to limit the gatherings of population because we know that there is going to be a risk of contamination. The variant which arrives in France is particularly contagious therefore all that one can do to limit the contaminations will be welcome. “

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