The deputy for Loire-Atlantique sees this as a “fundamental political shift”, after the vote on the text on immigration in the National Assembly on Tuesday, December 19.
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“It is the voices of the National Rally which make the law, a Darmanin-Le Pen law”castigates Wednesday December 20 at the microphone of France Bleu Loire Océan Matthias Tavel, La France insoumise (LFI) deputy for Loire-Atlantique, after the adoption of the immigration bill by Parliament.
The text was adopted on Tuesday December 19 in the Assembly by 349 votes for and 186 votes against. All 88 RN deputies voted for this text. A situation denounced by the rebellious deputy. Matthias Tavel sees this as a “fundamental political shift”. “Without the votes of the National Rally, there was no majority for Mr. Darmanin’s law”he maintains.
Matthias Tavel judges the situation “extremely serious”. The member for Loire-Atlantique therefore invites “the Macronists and the President of the Republic” to “pull yourself together and abandon this text purely and simply”. “Otherwise they will validate a law imposed by the votes of the National Rally”he adds.