“It is the straight line of the government’s method, which consists in rushing the French”, judges the deputy Pierre-Henri Dumont

The deputy Les Républicains of the 7th district of Pas-de-Calais castigated on Saturday on franceinfo the promulgation overnight of the pension reform by Emmanuel Macron.

“It is in line with the method used by the government which is that of rushing the French and the French”, reacted Saturday April 15 on franceinfo Pierre-Henri Dumont, deputy of Pas-de-Calais. The deputy secretary general of the Les Républicains (LR) party had little taste for the haste of the executive, while the pension reform was enacted overnight from Friday to Saturday, a few hours after the Constitutional Council validated the essential to the reform.

>> #OnVousRépond: what changes does the pension reform, largely validated by the Constitutional Council?

By doing so, the government “leaves gaping flaws and fractures within French societyJudge Pierre-Henri Dumont. The President of the Republic could very well have, during a speech in a few days, that he was going to promulgate the law”since he had two weeks to do so.

The promulgation of this law “does not change anything”

After the decision of the Constitutional Council, Laurent Berger, secretary general of the CFDT, the main French union, had solemnly asked Emmanuel Macron not to promulgate the law this weekend. The head of state “preferred not to respond to appeals and to promulgate a few hours after the decision of the Constitutional Council. This is the straight line of the method which consisted of rushing the French and setting aside the intermediary bodies, in particular Parliament and the trade union .”

Regarding the decisions of the Constitutional Council, which validated most of the pension reform, including the postponement of the legal age to 64, but which blocked a first request for a referendum of shared initiative (RIP) from the left . “The decision of the Constitutional Council is binding on all French people and there is no need for a political judgment. The Constitutional Council considered that the content of the reform and the method used by the government respect the Constitution.” Despite everything, Pierre-Henri Dumont made a point of specifying that the National Assembly had not “Never passed this law. But we must take note of it.”

The enactment of this law “do not change anything” to the fact that the pension system “is in danger and that there are deep inequalities.” Pierre-Henri Dumont felt that he is coming back “all political forces to imagine what another pension reform can be and how we can better value work.” His side The Republicans will “to take initiatives within a few weeks. It is necessary to put social dialogue back around the table and organize a day with various stakeholders on the notion of work.” A kind of social conference.

“Only the bitter cake remains”

“I see either feverishness or arrogance in it”, tackle Ian Boucard, LR deputy for the Territoire de Belfort, about this promulgation of the law on the night of Friday to Saturday. The deputy says “particularly happy to have voted against this pension reform” and to have “voted the motion of censure”. He notes that there was “some improvements in this bill that had been made by the Republicans” but all those who “had been challenged by the Constitutional Council, that’s all that softened this reform”. The MP for the Territoire de Belfort recalls that he had “fear that the Constitutional Council will remove the sugar from the bitter cake that was this pension reform. Today, only the bitter cake remains”.

“There was no obvious urgency to do it with this speed. In any case, not at 3:30 am in the middle of the night. It’s a bit ridiculous.”

Ian Boucard, MP LR

at franceinfo

After this sequence of the validation of the text and its promulgation, Ian Boucard is afraid that “the French are the turkeys of the farce”. “Today we have a problem with work that no longer sufficiently remunerates those who work, with the middle classes becoming increasingly impoverished.” And according to the deputy, the reform comes to “accelerate all that”. But the elected LR warns that the decision of the Sages “does not cancel the anger of the French, does not cancel the social and political crisis in which our country has been for several weeks“. According to Ian Boucard, “The only way out of this crisis is to give the floor back to the French. The easiest way is through a referendum on this reform which deeply divides our society”.

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