“It is the mode of operation of La France insoumise which raises questions”, declares the spokesperson of the RN

“It is the mode of operation of La France Insoumise that raises questions”, declares Philippe Ballard, spokesperson for the National Rally and deputy for Oise, Sunday July 3 on franceinfo. A left-wing activist, Sophie Tissier, seized the committee against sexual violence at LFI. She evokes “inappropriate gestures” on the part of the deputy during an evening in 2014. Questioned by BFMTV, Eric Coquerel disputed any inappropriate behavior.

>> We summarize the controversy around the deputy Eric Coquerel, questioned by Rokhaya Diallo for “his behavior with women”

“We are talking about an internal committee, that says a lot about the reading of La France insoumise on the relationship to authority and to the institutionbelieves Philippe Ballard. If it’s serious, we file a complaint, we go to a police station, a gendarmerie, the justice system instructs, but there, we have the feeling that we are seeing the political commissars come back a little. Welcome to Soviet times.”

“The left and the far left are very quick to condemn this kind of action, when it does not come from their camp. On the other hand, when it is in their camp, there, we try to cover ourselves.”

Philippe Ballard, spokesperson for the National Rally and deputy for Oise

at franceinfo

“At the National Rally, if we were aware of such actions, the person would not only never be invested but, of course, excluded”, launches the spokesperson for the National Rally. In his party, according to Philippe Ballard, departmental delegates are present to hear the voices of women and a head of the federations, Gilles Pennelle, in this case, “would lend an extremely attentive ear” in such cases, concludes Philippe Ballard, spokesman for the National Rally.

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