“It is thanks to the donations that I can still take a few steps today”

Only one number to remember this weekend: 36-37. The 35th edition of the Telethon begins this Friday across France. In the Loire, around 90 events are organized to raise funds and finance research on genetic diseases. Last year, the Telethon enabled to raise more than 77 million euros. “We hope to do as well and even more this year“, confides Colette Espignolé, the coordinator of the AMF Sud Loire, who was our guest this morning, in the company of Abdel Makhlouf, ligérien sponsor of the Telethon since 2015.

Every euro counts

Research costs tens of millions of euros“, confides the thirty-something, suffering from a spinal amyotrophy of type 3 that prevents their muscles from working properly. “But it really helps improve the daily lives of patients. In my case, Parisian researchers have developed a drug to be taken every 4 months that delays the development of my disease. Today, I am still able to take a few steps at home, which would not be the case without this medicine. All this is thanks to the Telethon. There is no small donation, even a euro is useful. “

AMF Telethon also helps patients in the purchase of equipment, when mutual funds and social security do not reimburse everything. Finally, the money collected through donations also helps advance research on genetics in general. “For years I did not want a child, for fear of transmitting my disease, but today thanks to research, I am the father of two little girls “, explains Abdel Makhlouf. “I am very happy.

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