“It is still not possible to know what will be given to pediatrics”, worries Professor Stéphane Dauger

“Where will the money go?” wonders Saturday, November 5 on France Inter Professor Stéphane Dauger, head of the pediatric resuscitation service at the Robert Debré hospital in Paris and member of the inter-hospital collective. The Minister of Health, François Braun, made several announcements on Wednesday November 2 in an attempt to stem the hospital crisis. He promised an envelope “around 400 million euros” aid instead of the 150 million planned for the “hospital services under strain”especially pediatric emergencies.

François Braun met with several sector officials on Wednesday, including Professor Dauger. “We spent two hours with the Minister of Health and it was on leaving that journalists told us that 400 million euros had been released. But I would like to know how this money will be used because I don’t know. It is still not possible to know what will be given to paediatrics”he repeats.

“It’s unbearable to start a substantive discussion under these conditions. We need a relationship of trust and for the moment this is not the case”

Stéphane Dauger, head of the pediatric intensive care unit at Robert Debré hospital in Paris

at France Inter

Professor Stéphane Dauger believes that“we can’t wait” to get an answer because “paediatrics is going very badly”. “It is not in three months or in six months, so it is immediately necessary to bring in personnel and money”insists Stéphane Dauger.

It warns of the ongoing bronchiolitis epidemic. “In 2019, the year when the epidemic was the most severe, we were at 23 transfers for Ile-de-France, at the end of the epidemic. This year, we are already at 35. I the question arises: where will this money go?. The head of the pediatric intensive care unit at the Robert Debré hospital in Paris considers it worrying to convey the idea “that it is possible to transfer infants or very fragile patients to pediatrics as we did during the Covid crisis, when we are faced with an epidemic that we know perfectly well, which begins at a time that we know, a virus that we know, a mortality that we know”.

>> “Children are poorly treated”: the bronchiolitis epidemic illustrates the crisis that is shaking hospital pediatric services

Professor Stéphane Dauger was invited with Agnès Firmin-Le Bodo, Saturday November 5 in the morning on France Inter. The minister delegate in charge of territorial organization and the health professions did not answer her question on the distribution of this envelope of 400 million euros. Something to annoy the head of the pediatric intensive care unit at the Robert Debré hospital in Paris. “We have been discussing for 18 months with the ministry [de la Santé] without any response. This is the last chance for pediatrics. You need very strong signals and currently we don’t have them.”

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