“it is scandalous to embezzle public money intended for disabled children”

The first assistant to the city of Tours in charge of solidarity, Cathy Münsch-Masset, is being prosecuted for concealment of aggravated breach of trust in a case of embezzlement involving her husband. The elected official is suspected of having benefited from funds embezzled by her husband, as part of his function as director of the Association For Adults and Young Handicapped Persons of Indre-et-Loire, APAJH. The leader of the association is accused of having embezzled more than 350,000 euros.

I find it scandalous to embezzle public money in an association that helps families and disabled children – The president of Apajh 37, Jacques Biringer

This case arouses a lot of turmoil within the association which has 120 employees and helps more than 900 disabled children.. “I fell out of the cupboard” explains the president of APAJH 37 since 2009. Stunned, the president explains that he “feels betrayed”. “I find it scandalous that a director of Apajh is embezzling public money that is intended for disabled children and families“.

We must think of the employees of the association

Jacques Biringer was summoned to the Orleans police station on Tuesday, and placed in custody for 24 hours. “No charge has been brought against me, nor against other employees of the association, apart from the general manager“. He explains that nobody saw anything. The priority for the president of the association is to ensure that employees can continue to work, and to be paid. “We must be able to maintain quality support for children” he adds. The Apajh also lodged a complaint in this case to protect its interests.

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