“It is quite unprecedented for a Minister of Justice to make these remarks”, reacts François Molins

François Molins, Attorney General at the Court of Cassation denounced “untenable working conditions” during his formal re-entry hearing on Monday. Comments deemed “scandalous” by Eric Dupont-Moretti, Keeper of the Seals.

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“This is not the first time that an attorney general at the Court of Cassation has given a speech of truth at the re-entry hearings”, declared Tuesday, January 11 on France Inter François Molins. “On the other hand, it is quite unprecedented for a Minister of Justice to make these remarks and thus react before having even left the walls of the Court of Cassation.”

On Monday, the Attorney General at the Court of Cassation François Molins denounced “untenable working conditions” and the “structural lack of resources” during his formal re-entry hearing before Prime Minister Jean Castex and Minister of Justice Eric Dupond-Moretti who, for his part, protested against a speech “scandalous”.

“I do not have to comment on the words of the Keeper of the Seals”, therefore reacts Tuesday on France Inter François Molins. On the other hand, he recalls that his speech “corresponds to the finding of the Court of Auditors”. “It had to be said! For 5 or 6 years, the Court of Auditors has highlighted the need to reform and rectify our structural difficulties, underlines the Attorney General at the Court of Cassation, We will have to go through the assessment of the workload, the judicial map, and the upgrade of digital and IT. “

François Molins hopes that “interesting proposals” will emerge at the Estates General of Justice. “Many working groups reflect on civil justice, criminal justice, prison, protection, statutes, or organizations”, but in the end, “that will always refer to the responsibility of the politician”. “He’s the one who will have to decide in which direction he wants to go.”

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