it is “probable that we will lose electricity if the weather is cold this winter”, estimates a researcher

Eleven plants are affected by a strike for wages. Negotiations with EDF management begin on Wednesday.

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It is likely that we lose electricity if the weather is cold“this winter, estimates Wednesday October 19 on franceinfo Emmanuelle Galichet, teacher-researcher in nuclear physics for the CNAM, the National Conservatory of Arts and Crafts. Tuesday, October 18 at midday, 11 power stations were affected, 17 reactors are shut down.The CGT must begin to negotiate with EDF on Wednesday.

There was already a very tight schedule for EDF to put these power stations back on the network and any grain of sand that would come into this schedule will shift the re-commissioning, there is a possibility of a production problem of electricity“, advances Emmanuelle Galichet. According to this teacher-researcher in nuclear physics, “for a few years, we have closed fossil fuels, but we have not had production systems instead“. This specialist therefore affirms that today, “we have no more margin: if one day we have very low temperatures, we will be a little annoyed“.

There are alternatives, recalls Emmanuelle Galichet, such as dams, which according to her “can take over a bit more“, but also the import ofelectricity from our neighbours. It is also possible, advances the specialist, to “remobilize coal“. In line with the energy sobriety efforts requested by the government from the French, Emmanuelle Galichet notes that “individual gestures can really make the difference“. She estimates that they represent around 1.5 to 1.7 gigawatts of electricity, when industrialists who cut off their electricity during peak consumption would represent around 4 gigawatts.

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