Find here all of our live #UKRAINE
08:08 : “It is possible that the worst is ahead of us.”
On the set of France 2, the Minister of Foreign Affairs expressed his concern as the Russian army continues its offensive in Ukraine, obtaining control of the city of Kherson in particular during the night. “The disaster continues and Russia’s despicable aggression continues”he noted.
08:04 : Jean-Yves Le Drian is going to go to Moldova, he declares on the set of ‘Vérités’ in France. Minister of Foreign Affairs says that the question of their future membership in the European Union can be put on the table: “You are Europeans, you are in the family (…). Faced with this shift in history, the relationship between one and the other will be completely different (…) the Europe of yesterday is not already not the same as today”did he declare.
07:47 : Other titles devote their front pages to the Ukrainians who, remaining under the bombs, took up arms to defend themselves against the Russian offensive.

07:43 : In newsstands this morning, many press titles return to the speech given last night by Emmanuel Macron. 

07:36 : Moldova, Georgia, Baltic countries, Finland… Bordering Russia or Ukraine, several countries fear that Moscow will attack them, in the continuity of the invasion of Ukraine. In this context of war, all are positioning themselves as allies of the European Union or NATO. Why are these countries worried about Russian ambitions in Europe? The answer in our article.
07:03 : Asked about her difficulties concerning the sheltering of French nationals, Anne Getenet, the LREM MP for the 11th constituency of French people living outside France, admitted “misses and misses”but hammered than “the energy deployed to support everyone is maximum.” The French “are all in extremely different places and (…) the corridor to get out of Kiev is a highway only. Our French people have often been established there for a very long time and are dispersed. It is obviously extremely difficult to reach this exit point”, she explained.
06:59 : However, French nationals in Ukraine interviewed by franceinfo continue to express their bitterness towards the authorities. In this article, our journalists collected several testimonies.
06:57 : Hello @Valerie. Indeed, last week, the French representation in Ukraine advised French nationals not to take the road, for security reasons. Yesterday, France Inter published a very enlightening article on the functioning of the crisis unit set up at the Quai d’Orsay to help French people in Ukraine.
Stéphane Romatet, its director, explained that the mission of this structure was to “do everything to get the French out”, while conceding difficulties related to the nature of the conflict and logistics: “Ukraine is a war zone, impossible to send planes, impossible to envisage setting up buses from a border country to pick them up, regroup them and then make the journey in the opposite direction”he said.
06:48 : Hello, could you explain to us why the ‘extraction’ of French expatriates already organized by the French army in other theaters of war, particularly in Africa during a coup d’etat, is not envisaged in Ukraine. I find it shocking that our compatriots are not secure when the Quai d’Orsay advised them to stay in Kiev last weekend. Thank you.
06:44 : Russia supplies 80% of France’s alumina needs. With the war in Ukraine, manufacturers fear the cessation of deliveries in the event of European economic sanctions or Russian retaliatory measures. We tell you more in this article.
06:40 : Discussions should resume this morning between Russia and Ukraine, to try to end the conflict. Negotiations will start in the morning in Belarus, “not far from the border with Poland”, according to the Russian negotiator, Vladimir Medinski. Initial discussions were held on Monday, without giving any tangible result.
06:35 : In France, a surge of solidarity is taking hold of many towns, which are getting organized with a view to accommodating families fleeing the war in Ukraine. Here is the report from France 2.
06:31 : One million refugees have fled Ukraine to neighboring countries since the start of the Russian invasion, said the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, Filippo Grandi, this morning. “For millions more inside Ukraine, it is time for the guns to be silenced so that humanitarian assistance can arrive and save lives,” he implored, on Twitter.
06:24 : “I don’t count on the embassy. They can’t even give me the contacts of the compatriots who are here in the city! (…) I have now found another Frenchman, who has an all-terrain vehicle whose the tank is full, so we can leave.”
After the capture of the city of Kherson, Europe 1 interviewed a Frenchman living in the Ukrainian city, who is now looking for a way to escape.
06:06 : Kherson fell to Russian army forces overnight. “We had no weapons and were not aggressive. We have shown that we are working to secure the city and are trying to deal with the consequences of the invasion.”said in a message posted on Facebook the mayor of this city of 290,000 inhabitants.
06:04 : Here is what to remember from the news this morning:
One million refugees have fled Ukraine to neighboring countries since the Russian invasion began a week ago, UN High Commissioner for Refugees Filippo Grandi said this morning.
Russian forces captured the city of Kherson in southern Ukraine a week after the start of the Russian offensive. This comes just hours away from ceasefire talks agreed to by Russian and Ukrainian negotiators. These negotiations will start in the morning in a place in Belarus located “not far from the border with Poland”, said Russian negotiator Vladimir Medinsky.
In a speech, Emmanuel Macron gave a serious picture of the Ukrainian situation and the consequences of this crisis for France and Europe last night. He also denounced the “lies” of Vladimir Putin and presented this crisis as the signal of a “change of time” in Europe.
#WEATHER Australian emergency services have ordered some 200,000 people to evacuate their homes due to heavy rain, which is heading towards Sydney this morning after killing 13 across the rest of the country.