“It is out of the question to let our breeders down” faced with the consequences of the conflict, promises the government

The government spokeswoman, Olivia Grégoire, confirmed this Friday the financial support of the State to French breeders. It also announced the postponement of the deadline for submitting applications to benefit from the resilience plan.

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“Letting our herders down is out of the question, with feed prices for their livestock rising”, assured the spokesperson of the government, Olivia Grégoire, this Friday in the program “Ma France” on France Bleu. On this occasion, it confirmed the postponement of the deadline for submitting applications for “herder farmers” who wish to benefit from the credits of the resilience plan, as revealed by France Inter. The aim of this plan is to help the sectors affected by the economic consequences of the war in Ukraine.

“This aid was to end on June 17, we will extend it until the end of June, until June 29”, she said. This tolerance is linked to bad weather, hailstorms and the current heat wave, which have caused many farmers additional administrative procedures. They were able to delay the filing of files as part of the resilience plan.

“I anticipate: if the situation were to last or even worsen, rest assured that as we have already done, we will continue to take our responsibilities”she assured. “If it’s not better, and Marc Fesneau and Bruno Le Maire, around the Prime Minister, Elisabeth Borne, will take their responsibility, we will not let our breeders down”she insisted.

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