“It is our responsibility to all of us to bring this return to calm”, launches Olivier Klein

The Minister Delegate in charge of the City and Housing was the guest of “8:30 am franceinfo”, Monday July 3, 2023.

“It is our responsibility to all of us to bring this return to calm”launched the Minister Delegate for Housing and the City Olivier Klein on Monday on franceinfo, after five consecutive nights of riots. “The inhabitants of our neighborhoods can no longer take this violence which turns against them”, estimated the minister delegate, while a return to calm took shape in the night from Sunday to Monday. For Oliver Klein, “This decline must continue and we must continue to make this appeal to everyone’s responsibility, including that of parents”.

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The mayors of France called on the population and elected officials to gather Monday at noon in front of all the town halls to “carry this call for calm” who is “everyone’s responsibility”after the violent attack on the home of the mayor of L’Haÿ-les-Roses (Val-de-Marne) which sparked a wave of indignation across the country. “I believe the government had the right answer. Nothing can justify such violence”underlined Olivier Klein. “We, the local elected officials, the women and men politicians, we must look at what happened with lucidity, but without any benevolence in the gratuitous and unacceptable violence”he continued.

City policy failing?

“The Minister of Cities and Housing that I am, constantly exchanges with everyone, including associations”he insisted, refuting that the city’s policies have been a “failure”. “There would be nothing worse than this period putting city politics on trial”he reacted. “City policy is anything but a failure. It’s a long-term action”hammered the former mayor of Clichy-sous-Bois (Seine-Saint-Denis) who became Minister Delegate for the City and Housing in the summer of 2022. “You know in cities where there are abuses, these are cities in which city policy plays its role, in which local elected officials play a formidable role”he recalled. “No serious, honest city politician will tell you that city politics doesn’t work”he assured.

“We have to go faster”however recognized the Minister, and “Intervene on the hard, and act on everything”. In these neighborhoods, action must be “the urban and the human”he launched, while recalling that “a lot has been done since 2017”evoking the duplication of CP and CE1 classes in priority education or the system “learning vacation”.


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