It is one of the last refuges in the Rhône valley for beetles

The identification has just been completed, the result has fallen, the reserve is clearly a little paradise for this group of insects and better still, Benoit DODELIN the entomologist who carried out this inventory with Marielle TARDY from the ENTOMO and CO expertise firm found A NEW SPECIES never identified in France, it is Xyletinus vaederoeensis.

Two reasons for this:

The first, because this inventory was quite complete.

Current knowledge concerning the beetles of the RNN des Ramières is rather fragmentary.

This is why the Val de Drôme Commune Community, as site manager, wanted to get to know this group of insects better.

There was a target group we worked on, namely saproxylic beetles.

The inventory is based on two methodological choices which respond to both optimizing collections and minimizing trips to the site.

The number of identified species stands at 421. This figure is one of the highest obtained during my inventories carried out over a single season!

It should be noted that part of the heritage species present in the RNN, was known around Lyon around 1900. At that time the Rhône was still established between lones and other sandbanks, which have since been erased by the developments, just like the associated species. It is therefore very likely that the RNN des Ramières and more broadly the Drôme, is, with the Durance, the last great refuge for these species in the Rhône valley. Extract from the study report.

Ramières station, House of the National Nature Reserve, welcomes you with your family in the heart of nature.

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