“It is not yet won”, react the support of Valérie Pécresse and Eric Ciotti

Members of the Les Républicains party will have to choose between Eric Ciotti and Valérie Pécresse who won the first round of the congress to designate the LR candidate for the presidential election, Thursday, December 2. It was the deputy for the Alpes-Maritimes who won the vote with 25.59% of the vote, while the president of the Ile-de-France region collected 25% of the votes.

>> LR Congress: Eric Ciotti and Valérie Pécresse qualified, follow the live

Xavier Bertrand and Philippe Juvin called to vote for Valérie Pécresse after the proclamation of the results by the president of the LR Christian Jacob party. The second round will take place between Friday 8 am and Saturday 2 pm, 140,000 members are called to vote.

“The members voted for loyalty,” said Eric Ciotti’s support

“Eric Ciotti can develop a strategy of saying that he is the useful vote of the electorate attempted by Eric Zemmour and Marine Le Pen”, declared on franceinfo Julien Aubert, LR deputy of Vaucluse and support of Eric Ciotti, recognizing that he has a lower electoral potential than his competitor Valérie Pécresse. “The members wanted to send a signal during this first round, they voted for loyalty”, he added. In the second round, according to him, it will be necessary to be able to embody “unity” : “Voters will think differently, Eric Ciotti did not win the second round.”

Julien Aubert also recognizes that the second round “will depend a lot on the attitude of the competitors: for whom Michel Barnier and Xavier Bertrand will call to vote”, notably. Michel Barnier, Xavier Bertrand and Philippe Juvin have positioned themselves for Valérie Pécresse.

“The right has a great team from France”, rejoices the campaign team of Valérie Pécresse

“We believed in it from the start”, reacted Thursday on franceinfo Florence Portelli, vice-president of the Regional Council of Ile-de-France, after the qualification of Valérie Pécresse for the second round of the Les Républicains congress. Florence Portelli, who supports Valérie Pécresse, shares her “emotion” after the result of the first round. Florence Portelli displays her “joy” while recognizing that “it is not yet won” even if Xavier Bertrand, Michel Barnier and Philippe Juvin have already called to vote for the president of the Ile-de-France region.

“It’s still human adventures, an electoral campaign. Valérie Pécresse, we’ve been following her for a long time, we’re like a little family around her.”

Florence Portelli, Vice-President of the Ile-de-France Regional Council

to franceinfo

Florence Portelli is not “surprise” by the first place obtained by Eric Ciotti: “I congratulate him. He had a very good campaign.” For her, it is the sign that “the activists just want a right. Period. It is a republican right which assumes itself, which does not think that it should be made to dictate what it should think”. She also greets the other candidates of the primary “who were courageous and showed that the right had a great France team capable of governing together”.

“Common values” with Valérie Pécresse, according to a support from Xavier Bertrand

“Valérie Pécresse is the closest to what we can have as common values”, declared on franceinfo Valérie Debord, LR vice-president of the Grand-Est region, and support of Xavier Bertrand. The president of the Hauts-de-France region has already called for a vote for Valérie Pecresse in the second round of the LR congress.

“Today is Valérie to whom we can most easily turn.”

Valérie Debord, LR vice-president of the Grand Est region

to franceinfo

“I am disappointed for the candidate that I support and to whom I renew my entire friendship, but I am happy for my political family who sets a good example, explains Valérie Debord. It’s a great way to express your values ​​and it’s important, what we have done. We did it without acrimony and with intelligence. “

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