“It is not true!” Ben Affleck alcoholic because of Jennifer Garner? He’s going backwards …

He didn’t just make friends by discussing his past. By going to the show The Howard Stern Show, in full promotion of the film The Tender Bar, Ben Affleck agreed to discuss his past, strained relationship with alcohol. Particularly in 2017 and 2018, when his love affair with Jennifer Garner was in decline. “That’s why I started drinking anyway … because I felt trapped, he summed up. I knew I couldn’t leave because of my kids, but I wasn’t happy, so what should I do? What I did was drink a whole bottle of scotch and fall asleep on the couch, which obviously wasn’t the right solution.

Obviously, it did not take more for everyone to interpret it in an unflattering way for Jennifer Garner. Even Jennifer Lopez, the former and new partner of Ben Affleck, did everything not to be involved in this story, finding the attitude of her companion totally “thoughtless“. This is why, at Jimmy Kimmel this time, the actor, former hero of the film Daredevil, wanted to clarify the situation and come back to the dubious interpretations of his words.

I was made to look like the worst of men

I absolutely don’t want my kids to believe that I could say anything bad about their mother, he rectified. Some people took my words and made them mean the reverse of what they really meant. I was made to look like the worst of men, the most callous, the stupidest and the most horrible. This is not true. This is the exact opposite of who I am I’m sureAfter all, he had always chosen to maintain a good relationship with Jennifer Garner for the sake of Violet, 16, Seraphina, 12, and Samuel, 9. The two exes were even spotted side by side on December 9. last, while they were going to a meeting of parents of pupils in Santa Monica. As for the rupture, we have already seen worse …

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