“It is not rebellious France that decides to boycott it”, but “everyone”, underlines Alexis Corbière (LFI)


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La France insoumise will not participate in the National Council for Refoundation launched Thursday, September 8 by Emmanuel Macron. A new instance which, according to Alexis Corbière, does not respond to the aspiration of “popular sovereignty”.

It is not the insubordinate France which decides to boycott it, I believe that it is everyone, except the parties which support Emmanuel Macron“, underlined Thursday, September 8 on franceinfo Alexis Corbière, deputy La France insoumise, while Emmanuel Macron launches Thursday morning in Marcoussis (Essonne) the National Council for Refoundation.

>> LIVE. Emmanuel Macron opens the National Council for Refoundation, follow his presentation speech

The opposition parties and some unions like FO and the CGT have decided not to participate in this new body presented as a new democratic tool by Emmanuel Macron. A place of exchanges between political parties, trade unions, associations in particular to think about the reforms of tomorrow. “Even Gérard Larcher who has nothing of a rebellious considered at the end of the end that the conditions were not met for this“, he quips.

I would seriously like to say that there is a democratic crisis in this country. The fact of having a reflection on new methods of government that respond to the aspiration of popular sovereignty is a central question.“, he analyzes. According to him, the CNR does not respond to this aspiration.

Five topics for discussion that must be the subject of major reforms have been selected: full employment, school, health, aging well and ecological transition. Alexis Corbière criticizes the vagueness surrounding this new instance: “No one is quite sure what the agenda is. What’s going to happen ? The five themes, okay“, but that of “democracy is not even addressed“, he regrets.

The MP finds it unfortunate that the Yellow Vests have not been listened to enough by the executive. They had “asked for new tools to be put in place, referendums on citizens’ initiatives“, recalls the deputy.

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