“It is not necessary to block an entire country”, assures Olivier Véran

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07:58 : “My message went wrong, I should have worded it differently.”

Olivier Véran explains his comments on a “France at a standstill” which, according to him, could lead to “an ecological, agricultural or health disaster”. “Nobody said that a day of demonstrations was a danger to the country”but “a France at a standstill over the long term has an impact on the daily life of the French”judges the government spokesman.

07:53 : .@olivierveran on the #GreveGenerale: “I make the difference between those who dispute and those who block. We do not want the French to be victims of a long-term blockage” ?? #Les4V #ReformeDesRetraites https:// t.co/sYcuVcL4br

07:57 : Faced with the mobilization against the pension reform, Olivier Véran believes that it “it is not necessary to block an entire country”. “We remain attentive, we continue to be in dialogue”assures the government spokesperson on the set of “4 Truths” of France 2.


07:42 : Difficult traffic at the entrance to Rouen. A distribution of leaflets and a filter dam are in progress at the Vaches roundabout, in Saint-Etienne-du-Rouvray (Seine-Maritime), tells us France Blue Normandy.

07:37 : As underlined @Michellea strike movement began last night among truck drivers, at the call of FO Transports and SUD Solidaires. “The mobilization will be strong in the major logistics centers and in the major cities”declared yesterday on franceinfo José Zydower, federal secretary of transport and logistics FO-UNCP. “Truck loading and distribution in supermarkets” will be disturbed.

07:38 : Good morning ! Any news from the truck drivers on strike since last night?

07:09 : The pension reform and the mobilization against the project are on the front page of many dailies this morning. “Hard week ahead”title The Parisian.

07:00 : Hello, traffic in the air also looks disrupted. In anticipation of the strike movement, the General Directorate of Civil Aviation has asked companies to give up tomorrow and Wednesday 20 to 30% of their flights.

06:59 : Good morning ! What about air traffic tomorrow? THANKS

06:17 : The review of the reform at the Luxembourg Palace will continue until Sunday. “We will do everything so that the reform can be adopted”, insists the boss of the senators Les Républicains, Bruno Retailleau, whose support for the reform is essential for the executive. As a reminder, the deputies had not managed to go to the end of the text, and had stopped after article 2.

06:31 : The Senate has approved the implementation of the seniors index from next November for companies with more than 1,000 employees, and from July 2024 for those with more than 300 employees from July 2024. Employers will be liable financial sanctions in the event of non-publication of this index, but no obligation of result has been set with regard to the employment of seniors.

06:31 : After more than seven hours of debate, the senators adopted article 2 of the pension reform on the senior index overnight. The obligation of this system for companies with more than 50 employees, a threshold added by the National Assembly, has been removed.

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