it is “not for my apple”, but for the period 2015-2018, clears Emmanuel Macron

The president assures that the sentence in question concerned a period preceding his arrival at the Elysée, and that he started putting the “double bites” since his election in 2017.

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The condemnation of the State for climate inaction is not “not for my apple” but for the period 2015-2018, Emmanuel Macron cleared himself in a video posted on Sunday November 13 on social networks, defending his environmental record. The Head of State had promised a week ago to answer the questions that the French would address to him on the “ecological challenge”. His first responses to these arrests are contained in a video of a dozen minutes posted on YouTube.

Taking up a recurring argument from the left-wing opposition, an anonymous Internet user, @Melvak_, asks him: “How can you be condemned twice for climate inaction while having the audacity to make people believe that you can justify yourself on Twitter?”

“We were condemned for climate inaction over the period 2015-2018” when “France has not been on target”replies President Macron, assuring that he has started to put the “double bites” since his election in 2017. “You are very nice Melvak for trying to stick one on me on Twitter, but the condemnation for climate inaction is more for the period before, not for my apple”he replies, in the offensive and direct tone that characterizes the entire video. “Let’s avoid talking nonsense and accusing each other”.

>> Environment: the State fined 20 million euros for its inaction in the face of air pollution

Last July, the Council of State nevertheless once again called on the State “to act more (…) to respect its commitments against global warming”. Emmanuel Macron, often criticized by environmental activists who consider his action too timid and out of step with a proactive discourse on the international scene, assures that“We don’t wait for disaster”. “We are all worried, we see the consequences of the disruption”he says, explaining that “ecological planning, broken down sector by sector”will allow “in the coming months” of “put more money” and “make more reforms”.

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