On France Inter, the head of the Les Républicains list in the European elections considers that “it is not because people choose to change parties” that LR is condemned “to accept compromises”.
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“It is not because the National Rally, exactly like Emmanuel Macron, practices individual poaching, that we will disappear”, supports Monday March 25 on France Inter François-Xavier Bellamy, head of the Les Républicains list in the European elections. The right-wing MEP points in particular to Malika Sorel-Sutter’s joining the National Rally.
The former member of the High Council for Integration during Nicolas Sarkozy’s five-year term and support of François Fillon during the 2017 presidential election, announced on Sunday that she was in second position on Jordan Bardella’s list. François-Xavier Bellamy denounces “the individual strategies of people who want to survive politically, who want to keep a mandate, who go where the career is most assured”. François Xavier-Ballamy considers that “it’s not because people choose to change parties” that the Republicans are “condemned to accept compromises”.
“What’s the point of making war grabs that come from the right if it’s to take France into the wall?”
François-Xavier Bellamy, head of the LR list in the European electionson France Inter
The MEP denounces the opportunism of Malika Sorel-Sutter, without naming her directly. He does not see in this latest rally any difficulty for his party. “The Republicans are still there, the right still exists in this country”, he says. François-Xavier Bellamy believes that he does not have “to be ashamed of the team” formed by its list in the June elections. “We are not going to do less than 5%”he defends himself in the face of various polls.
For François-Xavier Bellamy, the LR party is “the only political party in this election not to have lied, not to have changed line, to have a real record, and to have had results”. It is also, according to him, “the only party capable today of bringing together a majority in the Senate, a decisive group in the National Assembly and of having thousands of local elected officials on the ground”.
He recognizes that said right-wing voters have been able to leave Les Républicains in recent years, “because, certainly, the right in its history has not been up to the task”. He explains that “the right-wing voters first went to Emmanuel Macron”but he estimates that they were then “deceived, betrayed” by the presidential majority. “Today, after seven years of assessment, right-wing voters have been deceived by a power which has put France in debt like never before, which has allowed illegal immigration to run rampant which today contributes to the insecurity of the country”he adds.