“It is not a wave, it will be stronger”, the alert launched by Professor Renaud Piarroux is worrying!

While the Delta variant is still resisting after several months of knockout, Omicron continues to spread at an uncontrollable speed. Contamination has never been so rapid and so strong. However, this 5th wave, which has not yet reached its peak, could only be a mere glimpse of the 6th.

Now is not the time to relax. And for good reason, questioned in the Journal du Dimanche, Professor Renaud Piarroux warns of a possible future congestion of hospitals. Professor of parasitology at the CHU de la Pitié Salpêtrière in Paris, the latter sounded the alarm concerning the growing number of contaminations: 300,000 new cases in 24 hours on January 8.

A situation that could therefore degenerate “We must prepare for the worst”. According to him, the most likely scenario would be dangerous: “The peak of contamination expected around mid-January could result in 5 000 new hospitalizations per day. It is not a wave that awaits us at the end of January, it could be stronger than the second and third wave.

If he recognizes the weariness of experts, doctors, French people, and the whole world in the face of the epidemic, “In the evening, leaving the Pitié Salpêtrière, I the impression that the virus is gone.“, Renaud Piarroux calls for increased vigilance so as not to experience a nightmare,”Inside the CHU, on the other hand,the situation becomes more and more alarming. The number of emergency room visits has already reached the peak of the second wave, in early November 2020.

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