it is not a “simple garment, it is a political symbol”, estimates Laurent Wauquiez

By authorizing the wearing of the burkini in the municipal swimming pools of Grenoble, the mayor Eric Piolle “chooses communitarianism”, judged the president LR of the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes region on Tuesday on France Bleu Isère.

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“The burkini is not a simple garment, it is a political symbol”, declared Tuesday May 17 Laurent Wauquiez, president Les Républicains of the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes region, on France Bleu Isère, the day after the authorization by the municipal council of Grenoble to wear burkini in municipal swimming pools. Consequence of this decision: the region will cut all subsidies allocated to the city of Grenoble.

“I do not want to continue to collaborate as if nothing had happened with a mayor who, for me, tramples the values ​​of gender equality and the conception that I have of our country”affirms Laurent Wauquiez, who specifies that he “will continue to help” associations and “the inhabitants of Grenoble” which are “in majority against this decision”according to him. “What the mayor did to vote is something serious”insists the regional president, who thinks that “if we let things like that happen, the reality is that we are complicit”.

Laurent Wauquiez believes that the EELV mayor of Grenoble, Éric Piolle, “choose communitarianism” and “compact with Islamist extremism”. According to him, those who claim the right to wear the burkini are not “people who are naive”but people “which carry the claims of Islamism”. Yesterday, on franceinfo, Éric Piolle justified a “choice of simplicity” : “We just have to allow women to dress or undress as they wish”said the mayor of Grenoble.

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