Students will be able to try to become school teachers upon completion of their degree, the president announced on Friday. “The first competition will take place in a year, in May 2025,” confirms the Minister of Education.
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“It is not a lesser valuation, but on the contrary a course of excellence that we are leading”said Sunday April 7 on France Inter in the program Questions Politiques the Minister of National Education Nicole Belloubet, while Emmanuel Macron announced Friday that for school teachers, “the competition will be taken at the end of the license”, or at bac+3 instead of bac+5.
“It’s truly an extraordinary project, extremely ambitious, very structuring”, defends Nicole Belloubet. This change in teacher training “a double aim”. It is “reinforce the attractiveness of the teaching profession”, because, according to the minister, “Today, we are unable to fill up for our competitions.” She aims to “really build a professional career path”. “That’s why, for me, it’s a really exciting project,” insists Nicole Belloubet.
The competition will be “at baccalaureate plus three, that is to say at the license level and no longer at the master’s level”, details the Minister of National Education. She intends to send a message to high school graduates, telling them “if you enter the first year of the school teaching preparation license, in three years, that is to say at the age of 21, you will be able to be a trainee school teacher”. The training course “will provide, during these three years, knowledge in the disciplines needed by a school teacher”then will allow you to have “teaching skills”. Finally, the student will be “very early in contact with schools and students”. The minister adds that “the accent” will also be put on “the formation continues” which will be done “as an extension of this initial training”.
Nicole Belloubet also ensures that “the first competition will take place in a year, in May 2025”. The new training course “will start from the start of the 2025 school year”. And from September 2024, there will be “additional modules to prepare for this competition” to young people with a bachelor’s degree wishing to take the school teacher competition.