“It is important that we have an administrative investigation to know exactly what was known”, assures the rector of the Lille academy

The rector of the Lille academy affirms in particular that her services were informed in February 2023 of the harassment of Lindsay, a 13-year-old schoolgirl who committed suicide on May 12, and that the file “led to the exclusion of ‘a student”.

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“It is important that we have an administrative investigation to know exactly what was known, not known”explains Friday, June 2 on France Bleu Nord Valérie Cabuil, rector of the Lille academy, after the suicide of the young Lindsay victim of school harassment.

>> Lindsay’s suicide: “The Minister of National Education is waking up, better late than never”, says the mother of the teenager

The family of the teenager announced to file four complaints for “non-assistance to person in danger”, aiming in particular the academy of Lille which she claims to have warned of the facts. “It’s a story that has been going on for quite a long time, since November”recognizes the rector of the Lille academy on France Bleu Nord, affirming that her services were informed of it in February 2023 and processed the file “in a harassment case which led to the exclusion of a student”. “Afterwards the situation seemed to calm down”, confides Valérie Cabuil. Until the last days before Lindsay’s suicide on May 12.

“The college had noted a drop in school results and had to study this situation. The day before, Lindsay had shown signs of being unwell and there, the college had got in touch with the family.”

Valérie Cabuil, rector of the Academy of Lille

at franceinfo

The administrative investigation, in progress, risks taking time, implies the rector of the Lille academy who underlines that this “requires a lot of work”. “We have to hear the educational team, the students and all the parents. We are well aware that there have been other complaints that have been filed by other parents as well. So we have to hear all the parents to find out if there were any malfunctions and conclude”she insists.

“A lot of things have been said”advance Valérie Cabuil, in particular about the principal of the college who would not have helped the young Lindsay despite her multiple calls for help. “You really need to know, in a calm way, what has been said and what has been done”notes the rector specifying that it is necessary “to also make the difference between the feelings that we can have” and the facts. “When you’re a parent, you don’t feel the same things as when you’re on the outside, so there must be a feeling from the parents that you really have to take into account”launches Valérie Cabuil who calls “to ask”. “There must be an investigation by people who know how to conduct an investigation”she concludes.

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