“It is important that in all democracies our support for the Ukrainian people is expressed”, believes Delphine Batho

“For years now, environmentalists have been warning about our dependence on fossil fuels,” denounces Delphine Batot, alluding to Europe’s dependence on Russian gas.

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Delphine Batho, EELV deputy and campaign spokesperson for environmentalist presidential candidate Yannick Jadot, joins President Volodymyr Zelensky’s call to demonstrate against the war in Ukraine: “It is very important that in all democracies our support for the Ukrainian people and the Ukrainian resistance is expressed in the strongest and most determined way possible”supports Delphine Batho, invited Friday March 4 by franceinfo, on the eve of the demonstration place de la République in Paris. “The fact that Russia is bombing nuclear power plants must provoke an additional reaction from the international community”, asks the deputy.

“It is the largest power station in Europe that has been affected, it is a threat that goes beyond the borders of Ukraine.

Delphine Batho, spokesperson for environmental candidate Yannick Jadot

at franceinfo

While adding that this bombardment should not cause us to forget “the rape of women by soldiers of Putin’s army” in Ukraine.“It is normal for foreign policy to be at the center of the debates” in the presidential campaign which opens, adds the deputy. “For years now, environmentalists have been warning about our dependence on fossil fuels, which has extremely serious consequences for the climate, on purchasing power and which induces a situation of geopolitical dependence from which we must free ourselves as quickly as possible.”

Asked about the exclusion of Sandrine Rousseau of Yannick Jadot’s campaign, Delphine Batho responds: “Now is really not the time to disrupt the message of environmentalists.” The spokesperson for the environmentalist candidate defends the ousting of the former candidate for the environmentalist primary: “there is a limit that has been crossed in the declarations of Sandrine Rousseau”, with reference to his statements quoted by Le Parisien: “Zemmour or Macron impose a story. We sell boilers!”.

“Eco-feminism is the We before the I”, tackles the deputy. “Our campaign needs harmony. There cannot be a choice of personal expressions, always being there to criticize, which obviously poses a problem at the current moment.” “No doubt that she did not know how to live up to her place as finalist of the primary and the responsibility that implies […] Ecology is a collective sport”, concludes Delphine Batho.

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