It is important not to let go! | Press

What a week we have lived! For many reasons, it was exhausting, boring, hopeless. I dare say it has been one of the most difficult of the past two years.

Is it because we are emerging from a holiday season when we swallowed up 148 hours of TV and movies? Is it because the news was bleak and contradictory? Is it because the castaways of Cancún brutally confronted us with the culture of the void that surrounds us?

Still, it is time, more than ever, to move our fins and come back to the surface of the water to take in oxygen. This is definitely not the time to let go!

Yes, I know, it’s not easy to say when our leaders keep announcing measures that are likely to fall apart in a few weeks. A lot of energy is spent trying to understand these 180 degree turns.

It’s not easy to start a new year by watching a press conference with Jean-François Roberge on the measures that will mark the return to class or Christian Dubé who talks to us about the effects of the load shedding and the new doors that are about to close in the face of the unvaccinated.

As it is not easy either to witness altercations in businesses between frustrated citizens. It’s barding more and more! This L’Île-des-Sœurs supermarket customer insulting a young man of Asian origin was downright lamentable. These people are becoming “celebrities” on social media, but not for the right reasons.

Hey, speaking of “celebrities”, we learned that Brigitte Bardot refused to be vaccinated. The icon would be “allergic to all chemicals”. That’s good, because many of us have developed an allergy to his toxic statements.

But, as at the end of every tunnel there is a light, I found the hoped-for glow in this news which said, on Friday, that an increasing number of unvaccinated people were making an appointment to receive their first dose. It’s not a tidal wave, but it’s great news.

It can be inferred that the growing restrictions are bearing fruit. Because some realize that they can no longer fly or go to a large number of public places, the unvaccinated suddenly discover that this step is… essential. Well done !

Tightening the noose more on the unvaccinated is the topic of the hour at the beginning of the year. Federal Health Minister Jean-Yves Duclos said on Friday that compulsory vaccination is the only way out of this crisis. He is right.

As for raising the temperature under the buttocks of antivax, as Emmanuel Macron and Boris Johnson did, it has something therapeutic for the whole of the tanned population to see a small segment of the population slow down. group.

What is less therapeutic are the many constraints that we continue to impose on the entire population. However, we must recognize that some of them are unavoidable.

Don’t be afraid to say it. It was a wise decision to remove the rigodons from New Years Day. The effects of Christmas Eve are keenly felt. We will soon see those of this abstinence.

We are therefore coming out of this tumultuous period with the reality of self-tests. It is clear that we are about to have a fierce battle for these little boxes. It will be played out between countries (the rush is already global), but also between Quebec and Ottawa. It seems that the provincial is struggling to achieve its goals. The stocks expected last Wednesday did not arrive. The millions of tests that will be distributed in Quebec as of next Tuesday will therefore come from the federal government.

Yes, it’s a very difficult start to the year. But while we are slowly approaching the “anniversary date” of the first press conferences of François Legault which competed with the ratings Star Academy and District 31, we must think of the war that is being waged, but above all of the many battles that have been won to date.

You have to think more than ever about protecting yourself. To protect our body, our head.

The gentle detachment of cows

Speaking of mind protection and escape, while reading international newspapers over the past few days, I came across an article from the daily The Guardian which was about director Andrea Arnold’s latest film. It is called Cow.

For four years, this extraordinary filmmaker filmed the life of a cow. Yes, you read me correctly. This woman has devoted four years of her life to following a cow in her daily life. It took her a while to do her “auditions,” but when she ran into Luma, she fell in love with her.

The 94-minute film begins with a childbirth scene. Luma saw the “miracle” of birth. We are then shown the parallel destinies of the mother and her offspring. There are sad times, happy times, and a lot of mooing. We’re told the ending is pure Tarantino.

You are saying to yourself at the moment: but what is a film about the life of a cow doing in this chronicle? Precisely, it has everything to do.

When I say that you must not let go and that you have to know how to come back to the surface, I think that for that, you have to go to the end of your follies, fall back on a passion, probe your creativity.

You have to make films about the life of a cow.

This is what will allow us to get through this battle, its contradictions, its barriers and its violence.

Or, we can simply imitate the gentle detachment of cattle when they graze in the meadows. That too helps.

Have a good start to 2022!

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