“it is high time that we prepare the extension”

A expansion project of the natural cemetery of Souché in Niort is in progress. It will be submitted to a public inquiry with a start of work expected late 2022-early 2023. “We see lots of grassy areas and we say to ourselves that there is still plenty of room in this cemetery. But it’s not that simple. Because if we want to keep the beauty of this place and preserve its natural character, it it is imperative to leave spaces dedicated to plants”explains Amanda Clot, curator of the cemeteries of Niort.

It feels like we’re in a garden

Because this cemetery, created in 2014, is not actually not like the others. “It feels like we’re in a garden. There are trees, birds. It really feels like people are at peace here”, confides Marie-Noëlle, near the grave of an acquaintance. The graves are delimited by a wooden frame and vegetated. There is no granite monument. Surname, first name, date of birth and death of the deceased are engraved on a limestone. There are also nest boxes in the trees, insect hotels. There are also caverns and an area for scattering ashes.

The existing cemetery can accommodate up to a hundred caverns.
© Radio France

Noemie Guillotin
Here, the street furniture is as discreet as possible.
© Radio France

Noemie Guillotin

And the demands for this cemetery are more and more numerous. From four concessions granted for coffins in 2015, we have increased to 13 in 2020 and 23 in 2021_. “This cemetery appeals to part of the population and it is high time that we prepare the extension”, insists Amanda Clot. A cemetery which, like most of those in the city, does not make concession reservations.

The City of Niort had acquired for the extension a plot of 5000 m². “The first works will focus on the creation of a main driveway. We are going to bring water to this land because in a cemetery, you need water points. We are also going to make pits to accommodate trees, since the idea is to stay in the same spirit as the existing cemetery”, details the curator of the cemeteries of Niort. A thirty trees will be planted on this plot which is now bare.

Plot where the extension of the Souché natural cemetery will be located.
© Radio France

Noemie Guillotin

“If this part of the project is validated, we also hope to be able to offer columbarium boxes”says Amanda Clot. “And project within the project, to make a place that would accommodate families when there are ceremonies. So city officials worked on a large metal structure with benches that would allow people to sit down, a well of dispersion”, develops the curator of cemeteries. That’s waiting for the validation of the elected officials of the City.

source site-38