“It is difficult to put an end to these human rights violations” without “international support for the opposition,” says the director of the Political Observatory of Latin America and the Caribbean

Gaspard Estrada believes that international support for the opposition is necessary so that it is “able to prove electoral fraud”, while protests are expected to continue against Nicolas Maduro.


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Demonstration in Melbourne, Australia, on August 17, in support of the Venezuelan opposition, which claims victory over Nicolas Maduro. Illustration. (WILLIAM WEST / AFP)

“It will be difficult to put an end to these human rights violations” without one “international support for the opposition”says Gaspard Estrada, executive director of the Political Observatory of Latin America and the Caribbean, on franceinfo Saturday, August 17. The Venezuelan opposition is calling for rallies across the country and abroad to claim victory in the presidential election at the end of July, despite the violent repression of the government.

“The opposition needs to show that it is present on the streets and is not being impressed by Nicolas Maduro.”explains Gaspard Estrada, while the announcement of the president’s re-election for a third term on July 28 has provoked spontaneous demonstrations, with a toll of 25 dead, 192 injured and 2,400 arrests. France, Italy and other Europeans are demanding the publication of electoral documents to prove these results. “Without obtaining these figures, the vote is tainted”underlines Gaspard Estrada.

“The opposition leader’s goal is to reverse the balance of power and send a signal to countries seeking to mediate, such as Brazil and Colombia.”he explains. If the South American countries are not “able to impose a solution”international support for the opposition is necessary for it to be “able to prove fraud” electoral.

The Venezuelan crisis may not have “of issue” before the results of the American presidential election, explains Gaspard Estrada. In the meantime, the situation “continues to isolate Venezuela from its historical allies in the region and to bring it closer to its new allies: China, Russia, Turkey and Iran”he concluded.

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