The Minister Delegate in charge of Europe was the guest of “8h30 franceinfo” on Friday February 23, 2024
Reading time: 25 min

Jean-Noël Barrot, Minister Delegate in charge of Europe was the guest of “8h30 franceinfo” on Friday February 23, 2024. He responded to Jules De Kiss and Hadrien Bect.
Agriculture: “It is desirable that the FNSEA can participate in this debate”
The Head of State proposed a major debate at the Agricultural Show on Saturday with agricultural unions, agro-industrialists, environmental associations, including the Earth Uprisings association. The latter’s invitation angered the farmers. Hervé Lapie, secretary general of the National Federation of Farmers’ Unions (FNSEA) denounced Friday on franceinfo a “unacceptable provocation” and refuses to participate, despite withdrawing the invitation to this collective. “The Earth Uprisings are no longer invited to this debate and therefore the conditions are ripe for it to be held in the best conditions”believes Jean-Noël Barrot for his part. “It is desirable that the FNSEA, even if I understand its reaction, can participate alongside all the other actors in this debate”he added.
War in Ukraine: “The fight of the Ukrainians is ours”
“The fight of the Ukrainians is ours”, insists Jean-Noël Barrot, Minister Delegate for Europe. On the eve of the second anniversary of the Russian invasion of Ukraine, he believes that “we must go further and deepen our support” especially because“by resisting the Russian invader, the Ukrainians are fighting for the integrity of Ukraine but they are also fighting for the security of the European Union and for the security of France.”
The Minister Delegate for Europe explains that “if Ukraine were to fall”Vladimir Poutine “will move the front line to the west”. Furthermore, he emphasizes that France is “already the target of Vladimir Putin’s deliberate desire for aggression in the cyber field, in the information field”.
Find the full interview here: