“It is absolutely clear that Putin no longer has any limits,” says Olha Stefanishyna, Ukrainian Deputy Prime Minister

“It is absolutely clear that Putin no longer has any limits”Olha Stefanishyna, Deputy Prime Minister for European Integration and Euro-Atlantic Relations, told franceinfo Monday, May 9, as Russia commemorates its victory over Nazi Germany in World War II on Monday.

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franceinfo: What is the situation in the country as we speak?

Olha Stefanishyn: The objective that Putin has assigned to his army is to control the entire Donbass area and all of southern Ukraine, whatever the cost. Today, as we celebrate Europe Day, all they do is obey orders that involve the destruction of Ukraine.

Specifically, what is the situation in Mariupol?

Our armed forces respond to orders from the central command in Kyiv. They have clearly stated that as long as they can save even one Ukrainian citizen and civilian life in this area, they will stay, however long it takes. This resistance, for more than 70 days, of the Azov battalion in the Azovstal factory made it possible to have negotiations and to find an agreement at the UN to proceed with the evacuation of the civilian population. If our armed forces had not held this area and resisted, these civilians could not have been saved. We’re talking about 500 people here. Negotiations are continuing to allow the evacuation of the wounded, who are still trapped.

On May 9, Russia commemorates the end of World War II. Do you fear additional attacks on Mariupol?

Today is Europe Day, and Putin in the Kremlin celebrates war. The contrast couldn’t be brighter. We see the preparations that Putin has made for this day, and the declaration that he is about to make during this parade. And that is by massively bombing our cities, attacking residential areas and buildings, and imposing more suffering on civilians… These are the preparations that the Russian army is making in Ukraine.

No positive or even neutral action is expected today. What there will be for sure is more despair, more war crimes on Ukrainian territory. We don’t want to predict any scenario, but it is absolutely clear that Putin no longer has any limits. Nothing can stop it, nothing can stop it, except the Ukrainian army and the pressure of financial sanctions against its government.

Are the European Union and its leaders doing enough to help you? What do you ask them?

It is clear that Ukraine and its resistance are writing the history of the new Europe, where Ukraine contributes to the security and economic development, to the prosperity of Europe. And it is at the forefront to defend its values. We hope that at the conference on the future of Europe, the leaders will truly behave like political leaders and commit to making Ukraine a full member, and that this commitment will materialize quickly.

What is your point of view on the sanctions taken?

So far, there has been very strong coordination from the G7, from the United States, to impose sanctions and strong pressure on Russia. But it is absolutely essential to ensure that Putin is completely isolated and that he no longer has any instruments to finance the aggression of Ukraine. The sooner this isolation occurs, the sooner the sanctions will be put in place – not just imposed, but implemented – and therefore the sooner the victory of democracy and democratic values ​​will come. We hope that the leaders will reach a consensus to impose very tough sanctions and an embargo on gas and oil from Russia. This is what will change the situation and will signal the beginning of more severe restrictions.

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