it is about showing that Europeans can “increase industrial production capacity”, analyzes the secretary general of Cevipof


Video length: 8 min

Paris Conference on Ukraine: the aim is to show that Europeans can “increase industrial production capacity”, analyzes the secretary general of Cevipof

Paris Conference on Ukraine: the aim is to show that Europeans can “increase industrial production capacity”, analyzes the secretary general of Cevipof – (Franceinfo)

Guest of 19/20 info, Monday February 26, the secretary general of Cevipof, Florent Parmentier, provides his analysis on the subject of the conference which is being held in the evening at the Élysée on the aid provided to Ukraine. Around twenty European heads of state are present.

Around twenty European heads of state are meeting at the Élysée on the evening of Monday February 26 to discuss aid provided to Ukraine. A conference which is being held while the Ukrainian forces are in a difficult situation. “It is obvious that the war of attrition has been going on for two years now, and that Russia is banking on a triple exhaustion of the adversary. It is banking on an exhaustion of Ukraine in terms of the number of men”, “an exhaustion of European public opinion” and “an exhaustion of Western resources”explains Florent Parmentier, general secretary of Cevipof, in 19/20 info.

“Symbolic” and “completely concrete” elements

“In terms of industrial capacity, Ukraine was able to respond, and do better than defend itself, from the moment it received a series of arms deliveries from its partners”continues Florent Parmentier. “But the question is to ask: from there, what are the means for the Europeans to continue to deliver weapons so that Ukraine can continue its fight?”he asks.

“This is ultimately where this meeting of heads of state is important”by making it possible to show the capacity of Europeans to “to provide both symbolic elements of support for Ukraine, but also very concrete elements, namely to show that the Europeans are capable of increasing industrial production capacity in the defense economy”analyzes the secretary general of Cevipof.

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