Invited Thursday, December 21 on France Inter, the former head of state fears in particular that the tightening of the conditions for payment of family allowances will “exacerbate poverty”.
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“The text which has just been voted on is a text written by Les Républicains under the dictation of the National Rally”, castigates Thursday, December 21 on France Inter the former President of the Republic François Hollande, after the adoption by Parliament on Tuesday evening of the immigration bill. For the former head of state, this text “came from the Senate” has been “written by the majority of the Republicans in the Senate, then confirmed by the LR at the national level and under the influence of the National Rally”. François Hollande also accuses Emmanuel Macron of “defend the line of the LR and the National Rally” with this text.
François Hollande is particularly outraged to see appear in the text “what we thought was unimaginable just a few months ago, namely the differentiation of aid [sociales] according to nationality”. He fears that the tightening of the conditions for payment of family allowances, for example, will“exacerbates poverty”. François Hollande assures that it is not with this type of measure that we can “fight against irregular immigration”because it is not for “touch the APL” that “foreigners will cross the Mediterranean in boats, risking death”.
“A violation of fundamental rights”
For the former President, these measures correspond to “national preference” and represent “a violation of fundamental rights”. Elisabeth Borne nevertheless denied on Wednesday on France Inter any measure of national preference. The Prime Minister then defended herself by asserting that “like Michel Rocard, like François Hollande, there can be distinctions between the French”, thus citing the example of the activity bonus. Thursday, François Hollande responds to Elisabeth Borne judging these comments “legally false and politically fallacious”.
The former head of state explains that we must differentiate between “so-called universal benefits, which are linked to a social situation, such as family allowances, APL and personalized autonomy assistance” And “benefits which come under supplementary income”, such as the activity bonus or the RSA. François Hollande maintains that these revenues “assume a professional background”. “We are in a distinction that constitutional judges will have to recall”he maintains.