“It is a phenomenon that is totally unacceptable”, denounces the Minister of Health


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Liberal doctors are increasingly confronted with acts of violence, according to figures from the Doctors’ Safety Observatory published on Tuesday.

“It is a phenomenon that is totally unacceptable”denounces the Minister of Health François Braun this Wednesday on franceinfo, after the publication of a survey by the Observatory for the safety of doctors showing that liberal doctors are increasingly confronted with violence.

There were 1,009 incidents that were reported in the year 2021. “It is a phenomenon that is totally unacceptable and I will never accept that a caregiver is abused when he is there to treat and save people.said the minister. A fortnight ago in the Paris region, a doctor and two nurses were attacked by a patient.

According to the study, less than one doctor out of two files a complaint after an assault. “I think we should file a complaint”, said the minister. In the context of violence within the public hospital, François Braun even calls on the management of hospitals to support the complaints of nursing staff.

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